
Owning an Affiliate Software Business Territory Partnership is an affordable and highly profitable business opportunity for any entrepreneur to quickly enter the rapidly growing software as a service SAAS industry for the affiliate marketing vertical.

Exclusive national territories within one of our international regions are now available and will enable you to start your Affiliate Software Licensing Business. You will own exclusive rights to license all Affiliate Software Business products within your territory generating lifetime revenues from all your client software setup, monthly license and paid support fees. We provide Detailed Product Training, Full Business Support for you to earn Unlimited Lifetime Revenues.

We will provide you with everything you need for your new business

Generate your new business leads following our guide and your own expertise and close sales. Our services teams take over to deliver the software platforms, provide full product training to your clients, ongoing support management and total business administration for you where you can track your revenue in real time from your personalised back office.

What is the price of an exclusive Territory Partnership?

The pricing for each exclusive territory franchise varies depending on the relative size of each market. For the latest pricing please contact us to discuss pricing, availability and options.

National Territory Partnerships
You will retain upto 40% of the monthly revenue that your National Territory franchise generaters.

Master International Regional Territory Partnerships
- Europe
- East Asia, South Korea, Japan
- Australia, New Zealand, Pacific
- North America
- Latin America
- Africa & Middle East
You will retain upto 60% of the monthly revenue that your Master International Regional Territory franchise generaters.

A Master International Regional Territory Partnership allows you to sell your own National Territory Partnerships within your exclusive region.

Affiliate Software Business

Ready to start your own affiliate software licensing business? Take advantage of our software, infrastructure and business management solutions. Make your application to own your exclusive territory and generate lifetime partnership revenues from all your referred clients. International Region and National Territories are avaiable.

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